The Story Behind the ‘Pawri Ho Rahi Hai’ Viral Meme

The Story Behind the ‘Pawri Ho Rahi Hai’ Viral Meme

Dananeer Mobeen, you might not know the name but you definitely know her face and English accent.

The girl behind the viral ‘Pawri Ho Rahi Hai’ video, has become the latest (and perhaps the biggest) sensation on social media right now.

Her quirky antics caught the attention of millions of Pakistanis, who weren’t slow to respond with their own versions and recreations of Dananeer’s video.

However, it’s not just us; the video has gone viral in India as well. Many Indian celebrities, brands and social media users have also jumped onto the bandwagon.

The video might have worked for the 19-year old influencer; whose following has catapulted on Instagram.

But what does the video really say about Pakistan as a society?

The viral video came just weeks after the shocking Cannoli controversy, which caused a social media uproar in Pakistan.

However, both these videos aren’t much different; they both have a bitter post-colonial aftertaste. But this time, instead of crucifying someone for their English complex, the internet is celebrating it.

English has always been a sensitive issue, but Pakistanis still can’t pick a side; Meera’s bad English has been the butt of the joke for years now, and the most recent entrant is Naseebo Lal for the English lyrics in ‘Groove Mera’.

The video might have been well intentioned and light-hearted from Dananeer’s end; but how we received it and turned it into an online sensation, shows signs of an untapped, subconscious hypocrisy and post-colonial English complex.

Will we ever be able to grow out of these deep-rooted insecurities and notions? Or are we too busy with our ‘Pawri’ to really think about the pressing issues.

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