The shocking truth about Canada’s indigenous residents
Canada’s been making international headlines for its unfair treatment to the indigenous families for years now.
However, after the discovery of 215 children’s graves underneath a residential school; the international media and Canadian humanitarian groups have had enough.
The shocking discovery has led to a country-wide search for other mass graves like this; the incident comes as a shocker from a country known for its fair treatment and unbiased treatment of minorities.
The truth is, Canada has never been kind to the natives and members of the first nation; these were the people who were already residing in Canada before the country was colonized more than 150 years ago.

For more than a century, indigenous families have been suffering from terrible healthcare systems, lack of employment opportunities, racism and terrible educational conditions.
This residential school is just one such example of the horrific living conditions the natives have to face; the ‘school’ was made as a religious hostel of sorts where native children would be brought up and taught Christianity.

However, often times with little to no resources and an ingrained prejudice; these children were killed or held captive.
The Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said in a press conference, “We’re not going to hide from that. We have to acknowledge the truth. Residential schools were a reality – a tragedy that existed here, in our country, and we have to own up to it. Kids were taken from their families, returned damaged or not returned at all.”
Perhaps now finally there can be justice for the indigenous tribes of Canada.