No New Student US Visas to be Issued for Online Courses
According to the US Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency, no new Visas are to be issued to international students for the USA anymore if their courses are designed completely for online instruction, as announced on Monday, June 7th, 2020.
As per new federal guidelines, those students who already have visas and wish to continue their studies in the USA while remaining within the country must transfer to a school with either:
(i) in-person instruction, or
(ii) remote and on-campus learning.
Those who are enrolled in university courses with entirely remote learning will not be issued visas or allowed entry back into the country. This decision affects students with F-1 and M-1 type visas. According to the Institute of International Education (IIE) and the US Department of Commerce, international students contribute $45 Billion to the economy of the country.
While this is supposed to be merely a protective strategy against the spread of the virus, this move also presents a huge setback for universities and colleges that rely heavily on their international intakes, especially through those students who pay full tuition, to keep their finances flowing. Many schools are anticipating a major decline in enrollment from international students.
“We are deeply concerned that the guidance issued today…imposes a blunt, one-size-fits-all approach to a complex problem, giving international students…few options beyond leaving the country or transferring schools… (This decision) undermines the thoughtful approach taken on behalf of students by so many institutions, including Harvard, to plan for continuing academic programmes while balancing the health and safety challenges of the global pandemic,” said Larry Bacow, President of Harvard University in response to this decision.
Are you being affected by this decision? Send us your feedback and we’ll share your story!