Is Nike About to Win Another Ad Emmy?

Is Nike About to Win Another Ad Emmy?

Last week, Nike released an advert that has been winning the hearts and causing some major tear-jerking for fans and athletes alike. In the video released on Thursday, July 30th, 2020, Nike shows athletes from all over the world in a split-screen view featuring all races, ages, and religions participating in what they love do to.

Nike is already known to create advertisements that tug at your heartstrings and prevent viewers from pressing the ‘Skip’ button. Now, the latest ad titled ‘You Can’t Stop Us’ shows a reel of existing clips and possibly new clips of people indulging in sports and athletics as the voice of Meghan Rapinoe, the narrator plays behind them. Rapinoe is a women’s success star and an equal-pay activist.

As the clips go by and the ad comes to a close, she says, ‘When we’re held back, we’ll go farther, and harder. If we’re not taken seriously, we’ll prove that wrong. And if we don’t fit the sport, we’ll change the sport.’ (@Nike/YouTube)

The ad has already racked up unbelievable numbers on YouTube at over 38.7 million views with over 62,000 likes, and 38.6 million views on Twitter with 311,500 likes and 136,000 retweets!

Have you watched the full ad yet? Watch the video and let us know what you think!

Credits: Nike/YouTube

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